An Open Letter to Responsible Citizens

Through a series of open letters, we aim to reach out to governments, political agencies, civil societies, investors, communities and to business leaders. This is a universal request and call for action to be a part of the change we all seek in the world currently. 

This letter will help socially responsible citizens to make a start with 3 action points.

Here are a few of the challenges that the world is facing today:

  • The number of hungry people in the world has increased over the last few years. One in nine people in the world go hungry each day and suffer from nutritional deficiencies as a result. While non-communicable diseases accounted for 74% of all deaths globally in 2019, communicable diseases are still responsible for the majority of deaths in low-income countries.
  • Rates of under-five child mortality remain high. Malnutrition of children is leading to permanent physiological damage. And, it’s estimated that approximately 600 million children are not mastering basic mathematics and literacy while at school.
  • Although women make up approximately half of the population, there have historically been social barriers to economic and personal freedom for women. Rates of violence against women remain high, with a frightening estimate that one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse in her lifetime.
  • Forests are key to producing the air we breathe, yet these are being depleted at a rate of 26 million hectares every year. Extinctions are happening at what scientists estimate to be about 1,000 times the normal pace. 
  • Overfishing and unsustainable fishing practices are causing the endangerment and extinction of many marine species. Global warming has caused an increase in coral bleaching, where reefs lose vital nutrients and can no longer sustain the ecosystems that depend on them.  
  • There is a clear health and sanitation risk. About two billion people still use a water source that is contaminated with human waste, and about the same amount don’t have access to adequate toilet facilities.  
  • This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Rather, it serves as an overview of some of the major issues all global citizens should be aware of. 
    Source: (Six critical global issues: What are the world’s biggest problems and how can I help? | GVI UK, 2021)1

Dear Responsible Citizen, 

Considering the scale of global problems, you might question, where do we start? Can we as a responsible individual, truly, make that much of a contribution? 
We, at OneBarrow, believe that people with the right principles and beliefs are the most powerful changemakers in the world. We firmly hold that systemic change stems from individual beliefs and actions. It only takes one person to inspire others. We’ll help you make a start with 3 action points.

  1. Be aware about your consumption practices 

Living fast paced lives leaves individuals with little time to dwell on the implications of their everyday behaviour. This is where you can possibly take the first step. Each time you decide to use private transport or buy a non-biodegradable product – stop. think. question. – about the impact created by that single act. Once you start living everyday life with the conscious awareness of the impact of small actions, it becomes a powerful tool to shape lifestyles of entire communities.

2. Find more information on better and sustainable practices

Find alternatives to unsustainable and harmful products and practices. We’ll help you make a start: Avoid Disposable Items: Use cloth shopping bags instead of getting plastic or paper bags at the store; Separate dry and wet waste; Look for opportunities to buy renewable energy for your home and your vehicles; Cut back on the amount you drive, either by combining errands or walking and biking more; and, most importantly, be a socially conscious consumer.

3. Choose the cause you care most about 

Working on what you are passionate about means you’re more likely to stick with and put everything you have into it, resulting in a more fulfilling experience for you, and a greater impact on the ground. The United Nations (UN) currently lists 18 “Global Issues”. The UN has also set 17 goals to be achieved by 20302.  Start by committing to one of the many issues that you care most about.

We believe there are concerns and yet there is hope. There is hope that each one of us will undertake our social responsibility and use individual power to save the world in our own capacity. 
We sincerely wish that you will make the choice to create a monumental impact with us and recognize ‘the power of one’.

With love and hope,

[1] 2021. Six critical global issues: What are the world’s biggest problems and how can I help? | GVI UK. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 July 2021].

[2]  SDGs:

Vidhi Sharma
Head CSR, OneBarrow
Riya Shankar Sharma
Content Writer, OneBarrow